I love the blood threads.
to uphold its position on banning certain blood transfusions, the watchtower society has taken liberties with written presentations from early scientists, the clergy and other authors.
one that stands out is alexander pirie.
this blessing is very important, deut.
I love the blood threads.
in a controversial post in a separate thread, janh makes an extremely good observation that a certain former gb member will likely carry many, many wts "top secrets" to his grave, for whatever reasons he does not wish to divulge such.. then, on this db, former bethelites constantly exchange posts where their word choice is "cloaked" so that many of us who were not insiders are left guessing at meaning, people, etc.
obviously, even individual members of this fraternity have unique experiences and insights.
if such info is not disseminated, it is lost if that person dies naturally or in an accident.. would you folks please post more elaborately so that the rest of us can benefit from your knowledge and experience.. the statement that motivated this post made a silent reference to the author of the happiness book.
Hello Mad One,
The former bethelites here may know quite a bit about what goes on behind the scenes, but what if their disclosure is based on hearsay or rumor? They may know deep down it's true, but without real proof, detractors can accuse them of slander or other such things. The fact that they don't want to have to defend the truth of their comments to other posters (or WTS legals) is fine with me.
I'd love to get all the dirt from Bethel too, but I don't want to hear rumors and hearsay. What they know may be through the grapevine and could land their informants in a lot of hot water.
hope you understand,
2000 by steven hassan - published by freedom of mind press, somerville ma .
destructive mind control can be understood in terms of four basic components, which form the.
acronym bite: .
If that material is from "Releasing the Bonds" by Steven Hassan, the entire book is great. It really gives outsiders insight into what's going on in their loved one's cult controlled mind. It is not a technical book as it was written to be informative to the general public.
barbara anderson's attention was called to the thread about the differences in policy of great britain and the us regarding child abuse; as you know she has championed a change in that policy.
another post caught her eye, and she expressed the desire to share some thoughts with you.
i'm delighted to share her first post, which i know you will find riveting.
Maximus, Alan, Barbara,
You guys are on FIRE.
Barbara, don't hold back those posts; keep 'em coming!
for those who want to see the original july 1, 1943 watchtower article "righteous requirements" on which i based a parody a few days ago, check out these pages:.
the article preceding this one, "supreme court interprets" is extremely instructive about the loonieness of the society's leaders, and shows how they make almost direct claims of inspiration.
if there's enough interest, i'll put up the nine jpg's of that one, too.. alanf
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
You just made my day.
Amazing, if you are reading this, you can call off the search.
i look back on the 1970s with a sense of loss and nostalgia.
i was a young man, just married, and so much in love with my beautiful wife.
i had just started my engineering career, and was debt free.
You can live vicariously through me.
has anyone on here ever come across the tiniest shred of evidence supporting this date for the fall of jerusalem.
i understand rolf furuli is about to but something out on this subject (see elihubooks.com), however even a table of contents has been a long time in coming from this site.
if no evidence exists what can he possibly be writing about?
Back to the top....
After 4 pages, Scholar STILL has not done a single thing to show us the light. His next post had better be a knockout or else this is gonna go on forever.
BTW, I'm still waiting on him to answer my queston about the evidence that led the society to switch 606 to 607.
well, unlike some, i don't begrudge the williams sisters their fame or fortune.. on the other hand, i am thinking of how their example can be used to set some jw kids free.. for instance, "dad, if venus and serena can listen to ol dirty bastard and mystikal, why can't i?".
or how about, "dad, look, this article here says that venus and serena are jws and yet they participate in sports.
why can't *i* be on the track team?".
About 3 years ago, I read in Sports Illustrated that they do go door to door and try to pawn off the magazines on the other players on the tour. It was on the last page of the issue, in Rick Reilly's "Last Word" column. I'm 90% sure it would be a 1998 article.
has anyone on here ever come across the tiniest shred of evidence supporting this date for the fall of jerusalem.
i understand rolf furuli is about to but something out on this subject (see elihubooks.com), however even a table of contents has been a long time in coming from this site.
if no evidence exists what can he possibly be writing about?
Nice. Nuff said.
has anyone on here ever come across the tiniest shred of evidence supporting this date for the fall of jerusalem.
i understand rolf furuli is about to but something out on this subject (see elihubooks.com), however even a table of contents has been a long time in coming from this site.
if no evidence exists what can he possibly be writing about?
I know that Alan doesn't need my help, but what does Judean/Isreali chronology have to do with the matter at hand, Babylonian chronology?
Apples and oranges and red herrings....